Comfortable Workplace Environment for Women in the Early Stages of Motherhood
The “Comfortable Workplace Environment for Women in the Early Stages of Motherhood” project is implemented by the Point 33 organization and is funded by the EU in the scope of the “Civil Society Actors as Drivers of Change in South Caucasus and Moldova” project implemented by the “People in Need” organization (20 October 2021 – 20 June 2022).
Within this project, we carried out information and advocacy campaigns on breastfeeding-friendly workplaces.
We have created innovative and attractive media products: short videos, infographics, illustrations, and photo stories, through which we talked about family-friendly and breastfeeding-friendly workplaces. These products were shared on social media and also sent to the media outlets for free republishing. As a result, in addition to the project’s main goal – to inform and encourage – we also had a high visibility of the project in the media.
At the same time, we researched the legislative and legal framework, raised issues and developed recommendations for legislative amendments, which were discussed with decision-making officials and representatives of local and international institutions and organizations.
Apart from the general discussions, there were separate meetings in the government and the National Assembly to discuss the legislative proposals.
Below are additional information about the actions:
- Meeting with the head and members of the Labor and Social Affairs Standing Committee of NA - Meeting with Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs - Meeting with RA Human Rights Defender - Meeting with UNFPA Armenia Head of Office - Round table discussion - New amendment to the Labour Code