Deputy Head of the Regional Administration Has Been Fired in the 6th Month of Pregnancy: the Existing Law Does Not Protect Her

Former Head of the Vayots Dzor Regional Administration Nane Asatryan was fired by the Prime Minister’s order when she was in the 6th month of pregnancy. She had worked in that post since 2018. She had worked with 3 marzpets and, according to her, had never had disagreements with any of them.

Listen to the podcast for more details.

Disclaimer: This podcast was made in the scope of a campaign within the “Comfortable Environment for Women in the Early Stages of Motherhood” project. It is implemented by the “Point 33” NGO with the financial support of the European Union allocated by the “People in Need” NGO through a sub-grant. 

The “Point 33” NGO is the sole party responsible for the content, and the latter does not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the European Union.